Happy 5th Anniversary, Love!

Dear husband,
I treasure the 5 years since “Aku terima nikah Raja Halimatussaadiah binti Raja Ahmad...” I wouldn’t trade them for anything, and it fills my heart with pure wonder to know that the best is right now and still yet to come with our boy Zulqarnayn, and more insyaAllah. I am thankful for everything Love, for putting us above a commitment to a precious priority.

Words are powerless to express my gratefulness for all the things u've done from the obvious to every little thing eventho most of the time I may not seem to care. Actually I do, I notice everything but sometime I just don’t speak on it. I can be jerk at times but with this suffering I become worst. Terribly sorry Love. 

Thank you for always being there as my greatest support, my biggest comfort and my strongest motivation. Thank you for not being harsh and thank you for always treating me like a queen. Thank you for everything and not just with the things I ask for help with; you actively notice what needs to be done and then you do it. It means everything to me.

I also am so relieved that you’re not the workaholic type, and that even when you’re at your busiest, you make time for me and our son. You always try to see things from my perspective, and when you can’t, you acknowledge that you’re not sure how to understand and relate eventho you want to. You also might be the only man in the world who knows how to listen instead of fix.

This year onwards might be difficult to us because I’m not in my tip-top health, I m always in pain and don’t move like I I used to. I am sorry I hope it won’t get worse than it is. I really wish the next treatment works. Pray for me hubs.

I appreciate u accepted all my flaws & you’re always trying to be a better husband who you already are. I adore you my Kechentaan. I really do.

I don’t know how to say this without sounding cheesy and cliché so here it is Love, you’re my best friend, you’re my sunshine, you’re my sky, you’re my air, my better half, my sweetheart, my angel, my one & only, my everything dear darling, my love, my hubby, my Zaki. My Zaki. My Zaki. My heaven.

You: I love you like heaven, sayang.
Me : I love you my heaven, hubby.

Once I stumbled upon a quote and it’s about you it says a good husband is never the first to go to sleep at night or the last to awake in the morning.

I don’t know how u can put up with my temper & my mixed character. I am perfectly imperfect. Forgive me husband.

I love u more each day and forever, I know u love me more than I really do. I guess we have this unconditional love to one another. Semoga Allah beri kebahagiaan & keselamatan utk keluarga kita dunia akhirat, insyaAllah. Happy anniversary, Love.

Infinite Love,

Ucapan Hati:


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