Happy 6th Anniversary, Love!

Dear husband,
I cherish the 6 years since “Aku terima nikah Raja Halimatussaadiah binti Raja Ahmad...” I still remember that very day, the day my parents give me away to u with huge hope their daughter will be in good hands. I’m thankful for everything, for putting us above a commitment to a precious priority.

Words are never enough to express my gratefulness for all the things u've done. U’re doing the best u can for our family. With this condition, my condition, I am always worried what actually could happen in the future. U know they said, psoriatic arthritis can stress even a strong marriage. I know coping is difficult at times but u chose to love thru it. I am not the same like I used to. When I’m having a flare or severe fatigue, I can’t do anything at all. Terribly sorry, Love.

Thank u for always being there as my greatest support, my biggest comfort and my strongest motivation. Thank u for not being harsh, thank u for being compassionate and thank u for always treating me like a queen. Thank u for everything. It means everything to me.

I appreciate u accepted all my flaws & u’re always trying to be a better husband who u already are. I adore u. I really-really do.

I repeat this again and again Love, u’re my best friend, u’re my sunshine, u’re my sky, u’re my air, my oxygen, my better half, my sweetheart, my angel, my one & only, my everything dear darling, my love, my hubby, my Zaki. And above all, my heaven.

I don’t know how u can put up with my temper & my mixed character. I am perfectly imperfect. Forgive me, husband.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Mana-mana lelaki yg bersabar diatas keburukan perangai isterinya, Allah akan memberinya pahala seperti yg diberikan Ayyub kerana bersabar atas bala yg menimpanya. Mana-mana isteri yg bersabar diatas keburukan perangai suaminya, Allah akan memberinya pahala seperti yg diberikan kpd Asiah binti Muzahim, isteri Firaun.”

I love u more each day and forever, I know u love me like heaven. I guess we have this unconditional love to one another. Semoga Allah beri kebahagiaan & keselamatan utk keluarga kita dunia akhirat, insyaAllah. Happy anniversary, Love.

Infinite Love,

Ucapan Hati:


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