Happy 2nd Anniversary, Love!

Dear husband,
   I cherish the time we both spent together and I treasure the memories of u & me, I kinda miss tat. It was like the blink of an eye then the baby came along, Muhammad Zulqarnayn Putra, strengthens the marriage & brings us closer each day, alhamdulillah ya Rabb, syukur ya Allah. Dia penyejuk hati & mata kita kan ß? On our 2nd anniversary I'd like to take this chance to say thank u for all the things u've done & for putting me as ur top priority then & now, and I hope it'll be forever. 

   I appreciate everything u had done, from the obvious to every little thing even most of the time I may look like I don't really care or notice. Actually I do. Thank u for a cup of hot Milo before I go to work and before I sleep, thank u for choosing socks to wear everyday, thank u for placing the shoes ready to b put on, thank u for sending me to work & fetching me home when u could (well only 10% I had to go by myself), thank u for helping me with Nayn, thank u for never missed a day applying cream on my eczema & psoriasis, thank u for hanging clothes to dry, thank u for making the bed, thank u for doing the dishes, thank u for taking out the trash, thank u for always listening to my problem, thank u for not being harsh and thank u for always treating me like a princess. 

   I appreciate u could accept me for who I am, I value u accepted me knowing how I was, I appreciate u involve in every decisions that I make,  I appreciate u care about things I care, I appreciate u remember by heart what I like what I don't, what I wore for the first time we met which u consider a date, what I wore for the first time u fetch me at the airport, I appreciate u like wateva I asked u to wear or eat or do, I adore u husband. I adore u.

  I m grateful to have such a wonderful person who takes excellent care of me at all time. I m thankful to have a husband who never fails to make me smile even when I was in deep deep misery. U r my best friend, u r my sunshine, u r my sky, u r my air, my better half, my sweetheart, my angel, my one & only, my everything dear darling, my love. 

  I love u so much, so much more than u could ever reckoned. I will love u until the end of time. I wish we grow old together, rasa kedut sama sama, rasa susah senang sama sama. I hope I hope I hope I never lose u, I can't imagine my life without u. Please take good care of ursef too so that u can take good care of us, me & Nayn. I love u hubby, we love u daddy. 

I love u and always will, unconditionally. I promise to love u more each day & forever. Semoga Allah beri kebahagiaan utk kita dunia akhirat, insyaAllah. Happy anniversary, Love. 

Fantabulous love,


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