Happy 2nd Birthday, Son!
Today’s ur birthday. It's much different than the first, now u’re the toddler who won’t sit still. How fast things change. Things get difficult at times for us because u’re still too young to clearly say ur wants and needs, and when the tantrum strikes and overwhelm at anytime. We just give u the cold shoulder, ignore and continue on what we are doing but most of the time we take a step back and laugh. Laughter is the only way sometimes. Everything we do in life, we do for u. There will be times in ur life that u will probably hate us for keeping u from, and for what we r doing; our job is to protect u, keep u safe and get u the best. Our wish for ur birthday is that u will stay as adorable as u r today, and happy and healthy always. May u grow up b e a good boy, better man and a great Muslim. Be good to mommy. Be good to daddy. Be good to everybody. Happy second birthday precious baby boy—love u more than u’ll ever truly know. ...