
Showing posts from 2011

Setia Ku Korbankan

The saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. When Sad tries to bite its lip and not cry and smile and go, “No, I’m happy for you.” That’s when it’s really sad. Sedih yang paling sedih ialah bila cuba tak nampak sedih. Bila Sedih cuba ketap bibir dan tak menangis dan senyum dan berlalu pergi, “Taklah, saya bahagia tgk awak bahagia.” Masa itulah waktunya paling sedih. Baca lagi:   If You’re Not The One Doa Mendapatkan Jodoh

Doa Sekeping Hati Yang Mencari Jodoh Terbaik

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.  Segala puji bgi Allah Tuhan pentadbir seluruh alam. Selawat dan sejahtera semoga dilimpahkan ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad yg semulia-mulia pesuruh-Nya, serta ke atas keluarga dan sekalian sahabat-sahabatnya.  Ya Allah, wahai Tuhan ku, hidupkan ku dgn iman, matikan aku dlm iman, serta masukkan aku ke dlm syurga bersama-sama iman.  Ya Allah, ya Tuhan ku, ampunilah segala dosa kesalahan ku dan dosa-dosa kesalahan kedua ibu bapa ku, serta kesihanilah kedua ibu bapa ku sebagaimana mereka berdua mengasihani aku semasa masih kecil.  Ya Allah, akhirilah umur ku dgn kesudahan yg baik dan janganlah kiranya Engkau akhirkan umur ku dengan kesudahan yg tidak baik.  Ya Allah, ya Tuhan ku, janganlah Engkau pesongkan iman ku sesudah Engkau kurniakan kepada ku petunjuk. Anugerahilah aku rahmat kerana sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengurnia. Wahai Tuhan ku, kurniakanlah kepada ku kebaikan di dunia ini dan juga di akhirat, dan peliharalah aku daripada azab neraka. Ya

If You're Not The One

I want to write about one man. And it is not much to tell. In one word to desribe him is  indescribable.   But, things didnt work as planned. I need him but maybe he's not what Allah wants me to have and vice versa. I believe He has made someone for me, perfectly for me. And someone better has made for him. If he is for me, he is for me. And if he's not, there's nothing I can do about it. Allah knows best. Rasa cinta itu anugerahMu, janganlah Kau biarkan aku terus mencintai seseorang yg tidak patut mendapat cintaku ini. Dan andai memang dia jodohku, permudahkanlah ya Allah. Baca lagi: Setia Ku Korbankan Doa Mendapatkan Jodoh  

4U/CCU: My Previous Workplace

Before I came to this country, I worked for 5 years at somewhere in Kuala Lumpur and the unit is called 4U/CCU. I loved the unit, I loved the people there but it became slightly change everyday in the performance and attitude of each individu. Was it the unit that made them that way? Or was it the people? Or was it the patients? Or? Hmm for me, the unit was infected by mazmumah attitude , people started to talk behind everyone's back, people stabbed their own friends, and the quality of the nurses were poor. I am so sorry i just wanted to share my feelings here. Ha, i misses old times, when everyone was happy with other people happiness :) it was such a good memories (i am trying to count the blessing). It was a good, great actually experiences that i earned for 5 years in the unit. It taught me the value of honesty, integrity, hard work and respect in some wayyyyy! I am so sorry if my words hurt anyone. I am trying to be a better person but yet, i will never

The Love

When it comes to love i always think about guys, about boyfriends specifically :P haa i dont have one :/ well i used to have boyfriends before this and of course one at a time ya! pls pretty girls all over the world, i am begging u, dont betray dont 'play-wood-three' ur partner. Be faithful.  It is not nice, not even beautiful when pretty girls do so. I am sorry, yes i know it is ur life, okay okay, up to u :p  I need a boyfriend, I need a boyfriend, I need a boyfriend.. That was me talking to myself before. And yes I got one, then he left. Then i got another one, then he dumped me, and it continuosly happens in my life. It is easy to get a boyfriend, really easy but to keep them stay? It's like no one would ever wants to stay with me forever. I dont know why? Everytime it happened i will sit and try to think about it. People say "u're gonna get someone better" and yes it's true. i got someone better everytime :) but still they left me :( if it is once,

The Edge of The World : Desert Trip

Thank you so much my dearie frens   U made my day. thank u thank u thank u ^^ 'deserted' tried to keep busy Perjalanan menuju ke The Edge of The World Winter Trip The other groups are splashing colourful paint+water Our passion - blh nak cakap setiap dari kami ada DSLR sendiri

This is me, myself & Im.

Assalamualaikum, hi everyone :) First of all, i am going to start this blog by introducing myself and i am so sorry i might mix English and Malay in this page ^^ as i m  Malaysian, working in Saudi Arabia and that's how it started. Just call me Im eventho, my parents gave me quite a long name which means gentle and blissful.  The meaning itself sometimes makes me think, i am not gentle and i dont feel happy everytime :( but then, i realised (after a good friend of mine reminded me) to count the blessing.. yes count the blessing not the sadness.  I am from Johor, Batu Pahat but in late 1995 my parents moved to Kelantan and of course they brought us all together. I have 4 brothers :) and they will fight and defend for me, anytime, anywhere. And I also have a cat named Torres, beffooorree Torres i had Panda (a cat) but it's already dead. My best quality is also the one that gets me into the most trouble; my huge open heart. Vivacious & warm, i've a habit